Are there tryouts?
There are no tryouts. Anyone of any skill level is welcome to join!
What is the average skill level in the club?
Most of our WAG team competes Xcel Platinum or Level 8, and most of our MAG team competes Level 7 or Level 9. We have had members with no previous gymnastics experience, but we have also had Level 10 gymnasts join us.
I see photos of women on MAG events, what's up with that?
Under NAIGC rules, anyone is allowed to compete any event from any discipline. One of the gyms that we practice at has all 8 apparatus available, so feel free to try out any event you wish.

Are there any rules about what I can wear to practice?
Wear whatever makes you comfortable, whether that be a leotard, tank top, t-shirt, or something else. Monday through Thursdays we begin practice with other classes still in the gym, so we ask that you wait until the children are gone before changing into no shirt (men) or just a sports bra.

Am I required to go to a certain number of practices per week?
You can go to as many or as few practices as you wish. If you are competing, you must attend at least 1 practice in the week leading up to the meet. This is just a safety precaution to make sure that you are prepared for the events you are going to compete.
What do WAG, MAG, and T&T mean?
WAG stands for Women's Artistic Gymnastics, and MAG stands for Men's Artistic Gymnastics. T&T stands for Trampoline and Tumbling. The WAG events are what you would typically see women competing (vault, bars, beam, floor), and the MAG events are what you would typically see men competing (floor, pommel horse, rings, vault, parallel bars, and horizontal bar). T&T consists of trampoline, double mini, and power tumbling.